2.24.2. Mindfulness Mindfulness is the way to the Deathless (Nibb3na),'
unmindfulness is the "aylo Death. Those who ar~ mindful
do not die; those who are not mindful are as if already
dead. Fully com:,rcho:lding this. the wise, who arc
mindful, rejoice in boing mindful and find delight in
the domain of the Noble Ones (ariyas). The wise. icons~ant1y cuJtiv~ting Tranquillity and
Insight Devolop~nt Practice. being ever mindful and
steadfastly strivinll, realize Nibb4na: Nibb4na, which is
frcc from the bonds of yoga; Nibbiina, the Incomparable! If a person is energetic, mindful, pure in his
thought, word and deed, and if he does everything
with care and consideration, restrains his sense!., earns
his living according to the Law (Dharr,ma), and, is not
unheedful, then, the fame and fortune cf that mindful
person steadily increase. . Through diligence, mindfulr.e~s, di~cipline (with
regard to moral precepts) and control of his senses,
let the man of wisdom make (of himself) an island
wh:ch no flood can overwhelm. The foolish and the ignorant give themselves
over to negligenc;:; whert:as the wise treasure mindfulness
as a precious jewel. Therefore. one should not be negligent, nor be
addicted to sensual pleasurc~; for he wilD is established in
mindfulness. through cultiv.ltion of Tranquillity and·
Insight Develo.)ment Practice, experiences supreme
happi'less (i.e., realizes Nibba.na).
28. The wise one dispels 110g1ige:1cc by means of mindfulness;
he ascends the tower of wisdom an~ being free
from sorrow looks at the sorrowing bdngs. Just as one
on thr m',)Untain top looks at thos~ on the plain below.
so also. the wise one (the arah<.1t) looks at the foolish
. and the ignorant (worldlings).
29. Mindful amongst the n-:gligent. highly vigilant
amongst the drowsy, the man of wisdom advances like a
race-horse, leaving the jade behind.
30. Through mindfulness (in doing meritorious
deeds) Magha became king of the devas. Mindfulness is
always praised, but negligence is always blamed.
31. A bhikkhu who takes delight in mindfulness and
sees danger in negligence advances like fire. burning up
all fetters, great and small.
32. A bhikkhu who takes delight in mindfulness and
sees danger in negligence cannot fall away; he is. ind«.-ed.
very close to Nibbana.
End of Chnph:r Two: Mindfulness.
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