Chapter V
2.24.5. The Fool (Balayagga)1
V. (I) Aiiiiatarapurisa Vattbu Long is the night Ie one who is wakeful; long
is (the journey of) one yojana to the tlaveller who is
tired; long is saOlsara (round of rebirths) to the fool
who is ignorant of the true Dhamrna (the Teaching of
the Buddha).
61. If a person seeking a companion cannot find
one who is better than or equal to him, let him
res0lutely go on alJne; there can be no companionship
with a fool.
62. "I have son~, T have wealth"; with this (feelinj:t
of attachment) the fuol is afflicted. Indt:ed. he himself
i~ not Ilis own, huw can S'jns and wealth be hi~?
63. The fool who knows that he is a fool can
for that reason be a wise man; but the fool who
thinks that he is wise is, indeed, caUed a fool.
64. A fool, even though he is associated with a
wise man all his life, does not understand the Dhamma, • • Just as a ladle does not know the taste of soup.
65. An intelligent man, even though he is associated
.with a wise man only for a moment, quickly understands
the Dhamma, just as the tongue knows the
taste of soup.
66. With themselves as their own enemies, fools
Jacking in intelligence move about' doing evil deeds,
which bear bitter fruits. ·n~.1:..- ,(t:
67. That deed is not well done if one has to repent
for having done it, and if, with a tcarful fact:, one has
to weep as a result of that deed.
68. That deed is well done if one has not to repent
for having done it, and if one is delighted and happy
with the result of th~t deed.
69. As long as the evil deeddoe/i not bear fruit,
the fool thinks it is sweet like honey; hut when his evil
dcod does bear fruit, the fool suffers for it.
70. Even though, month after month, th" fool (living
In al.lsterity) takes his food lIparingly with the tip of a
grass'-blade, he ill not worth even ono-lIiXh.'enth pan
of thOle who have comprehended tho Truth (i.e., ariY81)
71. An evil deed does not immediately bear fruit,
just as the newly-drawn milk dot.s riot curdle at onC(1;
but it fol1ows the fool. burning him like Jive coal
covered with ashes.
72. The skill of a fool can only harm hittT; It
destr~ys his merit and his wisdom (tt., it severs his head).
73. The fooiish bhikkhu dl."sires pI aise for qualities he does not have, pIecedence among bhikkhus, authority in the monasteries, and veneration from those unrelated to him.
74. "Let both laymen and bhikkhus think that
things are done because of me; let them obey me in
all matters, great and small." Such being the thoughts
of the rool, his greed and his pride grow.
75. Indeed, the path that leads to worldly gain is
one, and the Path that leads to Nibbana is another.
Fully comprehending this, the bhikkhu, the disciple of
the Buddha, should not take delight in worldly gain
and honour, but devote himself to solitude, detachment
and the realization of Nibhana.
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